Sunday, June 23, 2013

Ul dyed her hair again! O_O

Well, since Makar is off making mischief with Dasha D in Italy, and the rest of the group girls are in Croatia, and even Donechka seems to be out of town, Ul seems to be totally bored...

..So she dyed her hair again!! O_O

About a month ago, our beautiful Ul dyed her light brown hair blonde (and looked gorgeous)...but now she's done a total 180 and dyed her hair dark brown!  And again, she looks great!

Here you can see a video of Ul going crazy without her girls and showing off her newly-dyed hair!

Download video: MP4 format


  1. looks like Ul is getting AUdi Q3, good choice..
    the A8 is not much use for a girl like her...

  2. Yes, she said somewhere (I can't remember if it was VK or Instagram) that the A8 was too big/difficult to drive.
